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Why do people seek divorce?

On Behalf of | Jul 22, 2023 | Divorce

When people start to have unresolved issues in their marriage, the first thing they may do is seek marital therapy. But, therapy can’t fix everything, especially if one or both spouses don’t want to make changes.

Sometimes there are issues in marriages that can only be resolved through divorce. Here are some issues that have led people to seek divorce: 

Communication problems

Communication is one of the most important things in a strong relationship and often the first thing that causes a marriage fails. A relationship could fall apart because couples don’t have good communication methods. Couples may feel resentful and hostile toward each other if they don’t have any resolutions after a fight. Sometimes these communication issues are a result of combative personalities or because a spouse is unwilling to work through personal issues.


Some marriages can’t be mended after infidelity. Someone who was cheated on may no longer trust their spouse. Oftentimes, infidelity is a result of other issues, such as communication issues. Another example would be that one spouse works long hours and the other sought comfort with someone who made them feel seen. 

Financial issues

There may be issues in a marriage because of financial troubles, which can happen in many ways. For instance, maybe one spouse compulsively buys stuff and uses the other spouse’s income to support this habit. Or, one spouse wishes to be a stay-at-home parent and quit their job. As a result, the other spouse has to work extra hours to support the household. 

Young marriage

Many people marry when they are young. Sometimes this happens after an unexpected pregnancy or because there were religious factors that led to the marriage. Many people feel like their early marriage caused them to miss part of their childhood. 

Lack of equality 

It was once believed that a proper marriage meant that one spouse stayed at home to tend to the house and children as the other spouse worked. That notion has changed and, today, many households see both spouses working to make a living. When one spouse doesn’t have the motivation to work or is vastly underemployed, the other may feel like they’re being used.

If you believe it’s time to get a divorce, then you may need to learn about your legal options. 
