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What to do when the other parent fails to pay child support

On Behalf of | Jun 16, 2023 | Child And Spousal Support

Child support allows you to meet your kid’s needs as you would if you and the other parent didn’t go through a divorce. The Indiana Department of Child Services provides parents with a vast range of services to ensure they make payments without difficulties. This allows you and your ex-spouse to have a smooth experience

Unfortunately, the other parent may start to delay payments. If this happens, here is what to do.

Contact them

It can be stressful when the paying parent fails to pay on the required date. Further, you would expect them to communicate with you, telling you what happened and when they plan to do so, but they may fail to do this. 

In such an instance, you can be the bigger person and contact them. They may be going through a difficult time, making them uncomfortable to talk about it. Accordingly, they may choose to avoid the discussion.

Therefore, when you contact them, you should be calm. Ask them why they haven’t paid and agree on when to expect payments.

Take legal action

If your ex-spouse fails to fulfill what you agreed on during your conversation or fails to request the court to modify the existing order, you can file a violation petition. The court will help you get missed payments, allowing you to meet your kid’s needs, and can help the other parent reduce the payment.

Note that the things you agree on with the other parent during your conversation(s) outside court will not be valid. Provided the existing order is legal, your spouse needs to abide by it. Thus, the second tip may be inevitable.

If your spouse fails to pay child support, you should obtain more information about your case to make the right moves.
