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Avoiding pettiness and being flexible might help in a divorce

On Behalf of | Apr 16, 2020 | Divorce

During an Indiana divorce, it will be beneficial if the parties are at least cordial. However, in many cases, it can be difficult to avoid expressing animosity either overtly or passive-aggressively. It is important to remember the positives to being above pettiness and sticking to the high road.

There are fundamental aspects to following this strategy. Being respectful to the other spouse might be hard, but it can have benefits. The past is over and it may be preferable to simply let it go. When there are children, communication is necessary. Sharing information can result in successful co-parenting. Parenting time is often a source for dispute, but it could be better for the greater good to be accommodating.

Frequently, one side will have the advantage in a divorce. Having power and using it might feel good, but causing damage to the other spouse just for its own sake can be a negative. Some spouses bait each other. Being in control of oneself as the divorce moves forward can avoid the inevitable mental, physical and emotional problems from wrenching battles. Contacting the other person may be necessary, but doing so to excess can exacerbate tensions and hinder the possibility of moving on effectively.

It is tempting to try and hide certain assets, but this could draw the ire of the judge and damage the case. If the other spouse is being difficult about minor issues, then just letting it go may be easier than fighting. Finally, if there is a mistake, it can create goodwill to admit it, apologize and move on. Regardless of whether the divorce is contentious or the parties are on reasonable terms, a law firm experienced in divorce may be able to provide guidance and help to achieve an acceptable resolution.
