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Could social media cause a divorce?

On Behalf of | Oct 2, 2024 | Divorce

We recently discussed how you should be careful about how you use social media if you’re going through a divorce. Evidence from social media can be used in a divorce case, so you need to be wary about the things that you post. They could show back up again as you go through the court case and seek child custody rights and things of this nature.

But it’s also important to know that some studies claim social media use could directly cause your divorce. These studies do list Facebook as a prominent example, but any social media site can have a similar impact. Why is it that using these sites or apps increases your odds of ending your marriage?

Increased time apart

Part of the problem is just that couples spend less time focusing on their own relationships if they are spending more of their time on the Internet. Even if they’re under the same roof or even in the same room, this essentially just creates more time apart. It’s the same reason why a long commute can increase divorce odds. The couple loses their connection and begins to drift apart, all because they are not putting their time and energy into each other.

Of course, they can be more direct issues in some marriages. Maybe one person has an affair with another person that they met on social media. But, even if there aren’t these types of major developments, just using social media too much can take a cumulative toll. It could cause a divorce, which is when some of those online posts could be used as evidence in the divorce case.

If you are headed toward a divorce this year, be sure you are well aware of all of the legal steps you’ll need to take.
