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How to prepare for a child support hearing

On Behalf of | Jan 27, 2021 | Child Custody

Preparing for your child support hearing in Indiana can be a nerve-wracking experience. The judge’s decision could have a major impact on your expenses and finances for the next several years. For this reason, it’s important to come prepared so you’ll know what to expect.

How can you prepare for a child support hearing?

In the days before hearing, you might get communication from your family law attorney or your former spouse’s attorney. While it might be tempting to throw it in the trash, make sure you read every communication that you receive, even if it doesn’t seem to be important at the time. This will ensure that you’re well-informed when it’s time for the hearing to start.

Additionally, don’t try to lie about your finances by reporting less than you actually make. This might sound like a good way to reduce your child support payments, but it could seriously harm your case if the judge uncovers your unreported income. On a similar note, don’t be afraid to speak up if you believe that your former spouse isn’t being honest about their income level. You deserve a fair hearing just as much as everyone else.

How is the amount of child support determined?

To determine the amount of child support you’ll pay, the judge might look at your income, your former spouse’s income, your expenses, the amount of time that the child spends with you and other important factors. Making a good first impression can have a big impact on the amount of child support that you’re required to pay.

For this reason, you’ll want to work with an attorney who could help you figure out how to argue your case without embellishing your story. The judge has the final decision, but a hearing gives you the chance to offer input beforehand.
