If you spend time daydreaming about what your life would be like if you divorced your spouse, you may wonder if you have romanticized the idea. As much as you may desire to have a new life, you may also know that divorce can bring struggles you may not be ready to deal with, including emotional upheaval and financial complications.
Nevertheless, finding yourself imagining that new life more often may be a sign that your marriage is essentially over and that it may be time for you to take steps to make it official. There is no question that a decision like divorce is difficult and painful. However, admitting that it is no longer worth the struggle to stay together may be the first step toward starting the process.
Others may already know
You may not even realize how deeply your marital unhappiness has affected every other area of your life. Your close friends and family, however, may have noticed for some time that you seem unhappy and that you are frustrated or impatient much of the time. Your co-workers may point out that your work is slipping or that you seem distracted and moody. You may see for yourself the physical toll an unhappy marriage takes if you have no desire to take care of yourself.
Still, you are not alone if you feel breaking away seems impossible because you have been together for years. If this is the case, you may ask yourself if your life will improve once you are separated and on your own.
The pain of a loveless marriage
If your spouse is abusive, addicted to drugs or alcohol, or unfaithful, it may be easier to admit it is time to divorce. However, a feeling of emptiness is often strong enough for a spouse to decide there is no saving the marriage. Many spouses have tried everything they could to salvage a marriage, but they still must face issues such as:
- A spouse who treats them with indifference or emotional detachment
- Feelings of resentment or inability to forgive
- Lack of affection, companionship or intimacy
- A spouse who treats them with disrespect in private and in public
Sometimes it takes only some quiet reflection to conclude the marriage is over, and other times the guidance of a counselor can be helpful. Even if you have not decided whether to file for divorce, you would be wise to learn as much as you can about Indiana’s divorce laws and how to protect your rights throughout the process.